“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!


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HEPP Student Finance Event

A reminder to any future students that HEPP are hosting an event on Thursday 9th February that can give you a deeper understanding about student finance. During the event they will give you more information on things like:

  • how much money students can receive as a loan or non-repayable bursary/scholarship
  • the extra financial support they may be eligible for 
  • repayments 
  • explaining how finance isn’t a barrier to higher education


If you would like more information, or to sign up for the event click the button below.

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School News

Wickersley Weekly Wins!

Last week, we held another one of our Wickersley Weekly Wins! The students have had some fantastic achievements and should be very proud of themselves.

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