We believe that E-Safety is the responsibility of the whole Trust community, and everyone has a responsibility to ensure that all members of the community are able to benefit from the opportunities that technology provides for learning and teaching.
We believe that the key to developing safe and responsible behaviours online, not only for students but everyone within our community, lies in effective education. We know that the internet and other technologies are embedded in our students’ lives, not just in school but outside as well, and we believe we have a duty to help prepare our students to safely benefit from the opportunities the internet brings. We aim to deliver this through a cross-curricular curriculum, and will incorporate E-Safety into appropriate areas of the curriculum.
This page aims to point our parents/carers and students to useful information regarding E-Safety.
If you have any concerns regarding E-Safety or Safeguarding in general, please speak to our Designated Safeguarding Officer – Helen Alderson, or our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer – Julie Betteridge.
Useful Links
BBC Own It

Support for young people to take control of their online life, including help and advice, skills and inspiration on topics such as friendships and bullying, safety and self-esteem.

The internet is a brilliant place to connect with others, to be creative and to discover new things. In the Childnet Hub you’ll find top tips, competitions, blogs and advice to help you to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively. You can also visit our get involved section to have your say on all things internet and new technology related!
The Mix

Information & peer support for young people on lots of different topics. Support includes: 1-to-1 online chat, helpline, email, text message support (24 hr), telephone counselling, web chat counselling. Tel: 0808 808 4994
How 2 Be Safer

How to adjust your safety settings.

Kids can play their way to being Internet Awesome with Interland, an online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games.

Find out how you can keep children safe from abuse and other dangers, both online and in the physical world.
Online Safety Tips
Here’s some valuable information for parents, on how young people can stay safe online.
What Parents Need to Know About...

This website, developed by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, provides information for young people on how to stay safe online.
Each of the parents’ topics includes a summary of what’s good, what’s bad and what parents can do to help their children stay safe.
In all areas of the site, there are prominent links to the CEOP ‘report abuse’ page where you can make a complaint or report a problem.