“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Sports Leaders Make an Impact!

During term 2, the WSSC Sports Leaders were tasked with learning the official School Games Dodgeball rules, with a view to support the Rotherham School Games programme. The leaders were introduced to the sport during their weekly Tuesday morning sessions, playing the game to learn the correct format and officatiating each other as the weeks went by. 
On Thursday 16th February, the 16 Sports Leaders traveled to Cranworth Road to support the Y5/6 Primary Finals. The day was split into 2 competitions due to the high number of entries, with the leaders officiating over 100 games of Dodgeball across the 2 events, supporting the Rotherham School Games team. 
Following on from the success of the day, the leaders were invited to support the South Yorkshire School Games Finals on Tuesday 21st March. The day was again split into 2 competitions – Y5/6 in the morning and Y7/8 Girls in the afternoon. The leaders assisted with 90 games of Dodgeball on the day, officiating schools from Rotherham, Sheffield, Doncaster and Barnsley.
Mr Walker was extremely grateful for their help and received lots of positive feedback from schools regarding the positive conduct, attitude and overall manner of the leaders throughout the 4 events they supported – well done guys!
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100 Club at WSSC!

WSSC held its very own 100 Club event for the third half term of this academic year. This was to celebrate those students who had

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