“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y10 Languages Mock Revision Guidance

In advance of the upcoming mocks, students have been discussing ways in which they can be revising in their chosen GCSE language to ensure they are best prepared for success.

We have discussed top revision tips, looked at familiar question types and we have also launched a Languages Revision Mat from which students should be completing activities to consolidate their learning. Students have information on purchasing a revision guide or they can use sentence builder booklets provided.

Students can find the revision resources below or on their relevant Goggle Classroom to ensure they are best prepared!

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School News

Y7 Incentive Winners!

Last Friday, Wickersley’s Year 7 CFP incentive for this half term was won by Mr Berry’s wonderful 7P. They were the Form with the highest

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