“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y8 WW1 Historical Enquiry

As part of their Historical Enquiry homework for the First World War topic students were asked to write a soldier’s diary entry explaining what life was like in the trenches or a poem.

For the more creative students they had the opportunity to create a model of a trench. As you can see from the photos there have been some excellent examples ranging from Lego to cardboard and even cake!

Contributors are Erin Graham, Ruby Harker, Freya Miller, Eshani Gurung, Libby Evans, Lucy Organ, Lexi-Mae Harrowell, Charlie Barnfield, Isabelle Hair and Izaak Fazal.

Well done to all!

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Wickersley Weekly Wins!

This week, we held another one of our Wickersley Weekly Wins! The students have had some fantastic achievements and should be very proud of themselves.

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