“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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British Physics Olympiad – Senior Physics Challenge Competition

Y12 A-Level Physics students took part in the Senior Physics Challenge Competition from the British Physics Olympiad. This competition is a traditional problem based set of questions and designed for all those who like to engage in problem solving questions and developing those skills. 
Ellie and Holly achieved a Commendation for challenging themselves and taking part in the competition. Tom B, Ben, Dan, James J, Hamna, James O, Tom Q, David, Mark, Nile, Mahin, and Luna all successfully achieved a Bronze 2 Award.
Our highest performing students were Alfie, Korben, Daisy, Louis, Harry, and Michael, who all did exceptionally well to achieve a Bronze 1 Award.
We would like to congratulate all our A-Level Physics students for taking part in the competition!
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School News

Y9 Drama Trip!

Recently, Y9 Drama students visited Leeds Playhouse to see the critically acclaimed production of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. The production was an

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