“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Creative Arts

Y13 Drama Performance Exams

Students in the Y13 A Level Drama and Theatre class recently performed their scripted pieces for examination. Monologue extracts from the plays Miss Julie and Immaculate were followed by

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Creative Arts

Y11 GCSE Drama Performances

Y11 Drama GCSE students recently presented their scripted extracts for the visiting examiner. Most candidates were assessed for their acting performances, while some were assessed for

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Creative Arts

Y11 Students Visit Pinewood Studios

Last Friday, Y11 Film & Drama students attended Futures Festival at the world famous Pinewood Studios. As a working film studio, responsible for franchises such as Harry Potter,

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Creative Arts

Movement Festival 2024 Tickets

TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE FOR MOVEMENT FESTIVAL 2024! Join us on the 5th-8th February for a showcase of dance, cheerleading and gymnastics. With over 160

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Creative Arts

Y10 Devised Drama Performances

Students in Y10 Drama recently performed their devised drama pieces to an audience for Component 1 assessment. Each group devised their play from scratch, inspired by a

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100 Club Ice Creams!

WSSC held its very own 100 Club event for the final half term of the year! This was to celebrate those students who achieved 100%

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