“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!

100 Club Ice Creams!

WSSC held its very own 100 Club event for the final half term of the year! This was to celebrate those students who achieved 100% attendance for that half term (3rd June until 19th July). 614 students managed to attend every day during HT6, and were therefore eligible to collect an ice cream with a […]

Stratford Upon Avon Shakespeare Trip!

Students from Y7 – Y10 recently travelled to Stratford Upon Avon to visit Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust. They visited Shakespeare’s childhood home in the heart of the town, heard tales of the playwright’s family life, and got up close to objects from the Trust’s world class collections as they discovered how the extraordinary playwright continues to […]

Wickersley Weekly Wins!

It has been amazing to see so many of our students take the opportunity to be proud and share their achievements, and we hope students will continue to take this opportunity when Wickersley Weekly Wins returns in September. The winner of our termly prize draw will also be announced when we return in September, so […]

100% Attendance Treats!

This academic year, 148 students managed to achieve 100% attendance. As a reward for them attending every day, they were invited to collect a Domino’s personal pizza and a drink. We are incredibly proud of these students and we really hope they strive to do this again next year, along with some more students joining […]

WSSC Sports Awards 2024!

On Wednesday 17th July, we held the annual Wickersley Sports Awards Presentation Evening. The evening was a celebration of all the sporting successes for Wickersley students throughout this year, and the event was a huge success with over 500 in attendance. The evening started off with the sports awards presentation which included both dance and […]

Y10 End of Year Awards Celebrations 2024

On Thursday, we wrapped up our Wickersley Annual End of Year Awards Assemblies with our Year 10 celebration! The assemblies are held to reward our students’ academic success and achievements throughout the school year. Awards are given out for School Subjects, Anti-Bullying Advocate, The Wickersley Way and many more! A huge well done to all […]

Y9 End of Year Awards Celebrations 2024

Last week, we continued our Wickersley Annual End of Year Awards Assemblies with our Year 9 Cohort being the next group to be celebrated! The assemblies are held to reward our students’ academic success and achievements throughout the school year. Awards are given out for School Subjects, Anti-Bullying Advocate, The Wickersley Way and many more! […]

WSSC Achieve the School Games Platinum Award 👏

Wickersley School and Sports College have been successful in achieving the School Games PLATINUM Award for the 5th Academic year running!  The School Games Mark is a Government – led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school […]

Alice in Wonderland Performance 🐇🍄

The Y12 Drama and Theatre A Level students joined forces with the Y7 and Y8 Drama Club last week to stage their version of Lewis Carroll’s famous Alice in Wonderland. The play was originally envisaged as an outdoor picnic performance, but the ever-unreliable British weather put paid to that. Nevertheless, the cast presented Alice’s adventures amongst talking flowers, […]

Sports Day 2024!

On Wednesday 10th July, a selected group of Y6s, Y7s, Y8s and Y9s attended the MAT Sports Day against Clifton, Rawmarsh and Thrybergh. The morning session consisted of a Mixed Rounders tournament at Rawmarsh School. Despite our boys and girls having never played together before, all year groups won every single game and were crowned […]

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