“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Westend Weekend!

Last week, thirty Dance students travelled to London for two days to experience the magic of the West End. Students got to watch ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘& Juliet’ and see how the lighting, set and costumes all came together in productions of that size.

They also got the opportunity to go to the famous Pineapple Dance Studios and take part in dance workshops with cast members from both of these shows where they learnt repertoire from the ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ and ‘Roar’ numbers.

In addition to all of this, students were able to experience some of the sights and sounds that London had to offer including the London Eye and Covent Garden.

For some students, this was their first visit to London and for others their first experience of the theatre. A great time was had by all during the action-packed trip!

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100 Club at WSSC!

WSSC held its very own 100 Club event for the third half term of this academic year. This was to celebrate those students who had

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