Welcome to Wickersley Careers Advice and Support.
Through the Careers Office, we can offer you a range of opportunities to plan and research your future study/employment options.
If you have any careers related questions or concerns, or if you need advice or guidance, please contact our careers team.

Mrs D Adams
Associate Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development and Careers
- 01709 542147
Let’s make a Start on your future!
Wickersley School has recently partnered with U-explore to be able to offer all our students their own access to the Start platform.
Start is an online careers platform designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential. It combines comprehensive information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options as well as developing their employability.
Start includes:
- A student profile: students build their profile and access personalised study and career information.
- Modules: activities to guide students through the information on Start at the right time.
- Up to date information: engaging content on what to study, where to learn and the world of work.
- Locker: an online record of achievement to evidence skills for future applications and CVs.
- Employability action plan: Students can set goals and stay in control of their career planning.
Year 7 students have been exploring their futures on Start from home in the last few weeks – well done to them!
Anyone can use Start but if you want to use it as a Wickersley student and are not yet registered then please email for further information.
Latest Careers News

Careers in the Curriculum – English, Drama and History
At Wickersley Partnership Trust, it is our number one priority to prepare our students for life and there is nothing more

Apprenticeship Vacancies with Equans (Engie)
Click the buttons below to view Equans’ construction apprenticeship vacancies. Electrician Gas Engineer Joiner Roofer Plumber Applications need to be

AMRC Training Centre Open Event
AMRC is holding an Open Event at the AMRC Training Centre on Thursday 12th May from 5.15pm – 7.30pm. Attendees

South Yorkshire Police Cadet Recruitment
South Yorkshire Police will be recruiting cadets this year. The application form will be available from 1st April until 30th
Careers Provision Overview

Gatsby Benchmarks
At Wickersley, our Careers programme has the Gatsby Benchmarks at its centre.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges.
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
How the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils
- Activity is evaluated by students on an individual basis
- Overall provision and ideas for improvement are tabled and discussed as agenda items at Student Council
- Provision is assessed against the national Gatsby Benchmarks and areas for development are identified
- Careers and employability provision is also informed through annual individual student surveys asking respondents to identify areas of interest and support needed – this information is then used to support individuals and plan provisions such as trips to specific places of learning or employment
- Provision is also informed through the sharing of good practice through local careers network meetings, the enterprise adviser network that the school is a part of and the professional development of the Careers Leader
Careers Programme
Each year group is seen as a ‘stage’ in the process of working towards a career goal and becoming ‘able and ready for work’ and being the best that you can be.
You can view our full careers programme for each year group with the button below, this provides a breakdown of the careers projects held for each year group throughout the year.
Year Group | Stage | Focus |
Years 7 & 8 | Experience & Knowledge Curriculum Year 7 Careers Day Pastoral Year 7 ‘Jobs and Careers’ Drop Down Day UniGo Experience & Choice Curriculum Subject Options linked to specific careers Pastoral Options Evening | Opportunities out of school and a variety of external visitors into school to ‘broaden horizons’, increase interactions with employment, FE and HE providers and develop students own expectations of themselves. Students develop awareness of individual skill strengths and career preferences through drop-down days, information on careers related to subject areas and options lessons – some use of the ‘are you ready’ tracker in Y7 and Y8 around developing enterprise skills. Developing an understanding of KS4 options and impact on career choice. |
Year 9 | Empowerment Curriculum Subject related careers lessons Pastoral Visits Enterprise Higher Education | Personalised development including: Employer-led and higher education led mentoring projects. Subject/interest specific opportunities both out of school and curriculum-based linked to clear identification of student interests |
Year 10 | Education & Information Curriculum Post:16 Taster Day Pastoral Business Work Experience Parental Involvement | Specific information around: Qualification levels Career pathways Subject related job families and routes into careers i.e. apprenticeships Local labour market information and job opportunities Funding and financial support Employer engagement and experience of the workplace and volunteering. All delivered through a Y10 post-16 day (June) and parental information sessions. Giving students the opportunity to experience the workplace and build up skills and experience through encouraging voluntary work experience. |
Year 11 | Individualisation Curriculum Year 11 Drop Down Day Pastoral Visits External Provider Input Parental Involvement | Impartial personalised individual advice and guidance. Further development of employability skills and knowledge of opportunities. Active support for all student post-16 applications and subsequent securing of offers from college and sixth forms. Informed and successful post-16 transition and engagement. |
Year 12 | ‘Be the best you can be’ Curriculum Tutorial Time Pastoral Visits External Provider Input Enrichment Opportunities Parental Involvement | Schedule of Wednesday P4 opportunities to include study skills, HE information etc. Enrichment opportunities including paired reading, mentoring, teaching, work experience Student enrolment on Wickersley+ and university outreach programmes such as SOAMS |
Year 13 | Progression Curriculum Tutorial Time Pastoral Visits External Provider Input Enrichment Opportunities Parental Involvement | UCAS Application Process A range of provision for students choosing alternative pathways such as apprenticeships. |
Provider Access Procedure
This section sets out the arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
All pupils in years 8-11 are entitled:
- to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
- to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer.
- to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Any provider, parent, individual or organisations wishing to request access should contact the Careers Lead on the details provided at the top of this page.
Opportunities for access include:
- Year 7 Jobs & Careers Day
- Year 8 Options
- Year 10 Post-16 Taster Day
- Year 11 Assemblies throughout the year
- Employability Day
KS4 Destinations 2022
KS4 Destinations 2022 | Total Number of School Leavers | Full Time Education | School Sixth Form | Sixth Form College | Further Education | Apprenticeships | Full Time Training | Employment Without Training | NEETS |
| 361 | 328 | 143 | 104 | 81 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 10 |