Year 9 End of Year Award Ceremony

Today, we had our Year 9 end of year awards ceremony. Parents were invited along to the event which showcased a variety of different awards, including 100% Attendance, Subject Awards, First Aider of the Year, plus more. We would like to say a massive congratulations to every student has won an award, and a special […]
Y6 Get Their Bunsen Licence

Yesterday our new Y6 students received their Bunsen Licence in Science. This shows they are safe to use them and will help further their education in the subject.
Y8 Pastoral Award Winners

Check out some of our recent Year 8 pastoral award winners. A massivel well done to you all, keep up the good work!????
WPT’s Careers Education

Over the last academic year, our students have been given various opportunities to explore different career options and routes. This comes as part of our mission to send all of our young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it. The students have taken part in: Monthly careers […]
Wickersley Youth Tournament 2023

On Saturday 1st July and Sunday 2nd July, Wickersley School and Sports College hosted the Wickersley Youth Tournament 2023. This year’s tournament was a huge success with around 5000 people in attendance over the weekend, and thanks to Wickersley Youth JFC’s fantastic team of volunteers and staff as well as the local Wickersley Community, the […]
Farewell Year 11!

At the end of last month, our Year 11 students had their final school day at Wickersley. We celebrated their 5 years at at our school with a leavers assembly where they received their year books, enjoyed a buffet lunch, signed shirts and said lots of fond farewells. All the staff at Wickersley would like […]
Wickersley Y11 Prom

On 29th June we celebrated the end of year 11 with our prom held at the Holiday Inn, Barnsley. Students and staff enjoyed a lovely 3 course sit down meal and awards were given out as voted for by the year group. Students then spent time enjoying one another’s company with some top music on […]
Y8 WW1 Historical Enquiry

As part of their Historical Enquiry homework for the First World War topic students were asked to write a soldier’s diary entry explaining what life was like in the trenches or a poem. For the more creative students they had the opportunity to create a model of a trench. As you can see from the […]
WPT First Aid Training

Over this academic year, staff, parents and all of our students took part in First Aid training. The courses were delivered by First Aid Schools and equipped them with the skills and knowledge to handle certain incidents and injuries they may come across. Every secondary school student experienced First Aid in their Science, DT, Food […]
Y10 Work Experience – Day 1

Well done to all of our Y10 completing day 1 of their work experience – great to see you all ‘taking risks and rising to the challenge’. We have had approximately 150 of our students in year 10 out experiencing the world of work. Wishing you all the best for the rest of the week.